tones of Love is a non profit organization that reaches out to parents who can not afford a marker when their child passes away.

In 2012, Sherri experienced what no parent ever dreams will happen to them – the sudden loss of her child. After surviving the financial crisis of an unexpected funeral, she realized that like herself, markers were out of the question for many single parents.

Stones of Love helps primarily single parents in financial crisis who need markers for their special angel. She realized, that when every penny counted, the marker is the one step that went by the wayside until funds became available. Sherri’s son passed away in June of 2012 and it took her over a year later to be able to afford and begin the process of purchasing a marker to memorialize his precious life. “It is so incredibly important for parents to have someplace to visit, lay flowers or to just remember.” states Stones of Love founder Sherri. “This is my way of giving back and helping others during their grieving process which allows me to continue to heal.”